Okay, so I just got home from dropping Marin off for her training, when along the way I saw this dude, mid-40"s wearing a sauna suit, with one of those ab sweat bands wrapped around him as well, in 95 degree temps! What the heck! People are crazy.. First off, let me just say that to burn fat, and to get a good sweat, you MUST begin from the inside out. These trendy ways of losing weight and dropping water can in some instances, hurt you. Your body as you may know has sweat glands everywhere. Why do you think that is? It's for protection against heat, it's your bodies way of cooling itself off and keeping your body temperature within a homeostatic range. SO, that your brain, and internal temperatures don't exceed abnormally high temperatures which can cause heat exhaustion, dehydration, and you can pass out! Please people, exercise wisely. These quick ways to trim down aren't worth it. Don't put on a Sauna suit and say, "it's hot outside, so I think I'll go for a jog to burn off this weekends bad foods". NO, don't do it.
Which leads me to my next point.
IF you want to widdle fat away you have to begin in the kitchen. PERIOD! IF you do not have your diet in check first and foremost, no time spent in the gym will get you the benefits you want. You must feed your body and help it to recover so that it can build itself up again. Marin lately has been eating like a bird. Don't know if it's her being a tweeny, or she's just tired of eating the way Matthew and I do. Which, by the way I make different food for my kids because children do require more carbohydrates, etc. But, she hasn't been hitting any PR's (personal records) and she's getting frustrated. She also has her first weight lifting competition this Saturday. Although I don't expect her to out lift anyone in her weight class, I do expect her to give all her effort. Part of being a dedicated athlete isn't just putting time into training, it requires right food choices. If you want to put on more muscle and lose body fat, you have to find what balance works for you. Typical guideline is to consume 1gram of protein for every pound you weigh. For example Marin weighs 103lbs. and gets in about 60 grams of protein a day on average. I weigh 110lbs and consume approximately 150 grams a day give or take in protein. Which one do you think will get results? YES, mine and if you look at me you can see the difference. Not to put Marin on the spot, but if she isn't consuming at least 60 grams more of protein a day, she will not gain muscle, no matter how much she trains in the gym. Ladies, this is of the utmost importance if you plan to lose weight. My protein intake is higher because I am trying to put on more muscle. If you want to maintain a certain proportion then change your diet to follow the guideline above. 1gram protein=1lb body weight, and start from there. You also have to take into account what sort of carbohydrates you consume. When I say carbohydrate don't get all excited and think, "I get to eat two slices of bread everyday". No, eat some vegetables to get your carbs, or a serving of fruit. Notice I said a serving of fruit, that's per day! YES fruit is good for you, but guess what else, it's loaded with fructose, which converts to glucose, which converts to stored fat in your body IF you do not burn it off. Vegetables are magical in that most of them don't do that. They give you all the benefits of eating fruit would and they are high in fiber too whoo hooo!
For those of you who think you need your whole grains everyday for your fiber, I'll let you in on a little secret, you don't need it! Besides being on the food guide pyramid as one of those food groups you should eat a lot of it's also made with FLOUR!! Flour has wheat, wheat has gluten. Guess what gluten does besides stick to your intestines and prevent absorption, it can also cause extreme amounts of water retention and systemic inflammation. Ever wonder why you get a stomach ache or bloating after eating a healthy sandwich at Subway, Wahhh laaaa! Your culprit! So why does the media tell us, along with the FDA that we need whole grains in our diet? Think about what crops our country mass produces... corn, wheat, potato and so on. Going back say, 2000 years ago, these sorts of crops each had nutritional benefits. Allowing for sustenance in harsh climates, fed humans along with farm animals and cattle. You get the picture. Now fast forward to 1950's and onto present day.. this began the time when the seeds began mutation. Because we mass produce everything in this country trying to keep up with McDonald's and bakeries, we had to produce our crops quicker and faster. So along came the idea to alter the DNA of wheat, corn etc to grow and die quickly. Along this journey, the protein gluten began it's appearance, and along with it, a more sick and over weight nation. Now, don't get me wrong I eat things containing wheat, flour corn etc from time to time. Like once a week, in a cheat meal, and I am okay eating small amounts, as anyone can be. Except if you have Celiac's disease then you shouldn't have it at all. BUT, you should not have it everyday, every meal and so on. If you are eating wheat, flour, corn etc and aren't getting the results you want, you might want to consider eliminating them all together. Your body will do just fine without, trust me. You might also find you won't have headaches, joint pain, IBS, break outs whether it's hives, eczema or acne, and your body fat may decrease too, imagine that!
Now, that I had my little rant about weight loss for the moment, I have to go pick Marin back up and make her eat. Ladies, and men too, you have to eat to lose weight. It's not good to starve yourself, because once you start eating again, you'll balloon up.
I am going to make this for dinner tonight, it's courtesy of Sarah Fragoso of Everyday Paleo, sorry but it is my go to for quick family style, healthy recipes. Pick up her cook book if you can, and she also has a new one on the way! Can't wait:)
Southwestern Frittata

Southwestern Frittata
1tablespoon coconut oil
1/4 cup yellow onion, finely diced
1 small jalapeno, seeds removed and minced
2 garlic cloves, minced
1 cup sweet potato, peeled and grated
1 pound grass fed ground beef (or a really lean ground beef 95%)
1 tablespoons chili powder
1 teaspoon ground cumin
1/2 cup salsa verde (I will be making my own, as store bought ones typically add sugar :()
12 eggs
Sea Salt to taste
Preheat oven to 350. In a large saute pan, saute the onions and minced jalapeno in the coconut oil over medium heat until the onions are translucent. Add the ground beef and cook just until it starts to brown and add the grated sweet potato and garlic. Cook until the beef is completely browned and the sweet potato is soft. Add the chili powder, cumin, and salsa, stir and cook until heated through. Taste and season with a little sea salt if desired. Transfer the meat mixture to a 11×7 glass baking dish and spread the meat mixture evenly over the bottom of the pan. In a large mixing bowl, beat together the 12 eggs add pour over the meat mixture in the baking dish. Cover tightly with aluminum foil and bake for 30 minutes. Uncover and bake for an additional 10-15 minutes or until the eggs are set in the middle when you jiggle the pan.
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