Tuesday, January 8, 2013

New year, new you!

"Where have you been? Why haven't you wrote a new blog lately"..?!!
These are the questions I have been hearing, and I've only just deleted the Facebook app from my phone. I haven't signed out or forgotten about the world of Fb and IG, I am just taking a break and allowing my time to be spent in other ways, like reading an actual book or two. Talking to my kids rather than scrolling through endless posts and pictures. Since when did we all have to stay connected all the time anyway? I don't know.. but sometimes we need to put the devices away and actually look the world in the eye, don't ya think? 

Anyhow, as some of you know I live this fitness lifestyle. Sometimes, I cheat and eat a donut or too much chips and salsa. I however, no longer let those things hang over my head like dead weight or think I am going to gain ten pounds from a cookie. But some of us do. Sometimes the crap we tell ourselves mentally is worse than what anyone else would dare say. Why do we do that? Why do we torture ourselves to think we need to look any other way then the way God designed us? What is so alluring about a Victoria's secret model? Or, someone like Erin Stern, as many of you know I idolize. The key word here being idolize. We all do it, all  guilty of it. Is it because we want to look like them or is it that they have the physique we crave. To be the over weight girl, that just wants to feel sexy in some lingerie for her man, or to wear a dress that doesn't go to the floor, but rather reveals nice shapely legs underneath. Or, are you the skinny girl like I am. That wants some meat on her bones? And contrary to what everyone things, just because you are thin doesn't mean everything fits right in the stores. Whatever it is, most of us spend time trying to attain goals that quite simply put, you'll never have due to genetics. But, let me pump the breaks for a second. I still believe genetics can be altered with proper nutrition and guidance. It might not change the shape of your hips or how broad your shoulders may be, but you can alter your health. 

Half the battle for me has been finding the knowledge that I needed to get started on this journey. Twelve years ago I gave birth to my daughter. After that pregnancy is when I put on some weight, for the first time in my life. I was always the "skinny" girl, and to have some fluff around my body was weird to me. So I got a gym membership, even went to Weight Watchers and getting duped here and there by other "diet" advertisements etc. Only to never have any real or lasting results. Thank the Good Lord when he introduced me to my husband six years ago. I thought I had it figured out, and I thought I knew how to read labels etc. I couldn't have been more wrong. In the last six years, I have seen this husband of mine spend countless hours studying and APPLYING everything he learns either into his own lifestyle, mine, our kids and his clients with wonderful results. There have been some hiccups, a lot of trial and error, but mostly a lot of learning. Knowledge is a powerful thing when used right, we can all agree to that right..? Then if the knowledge is there, why isn't it so easily attained. And, if it is then why aren't more people healthy? I could go on and on about politics, pharmaceutical companies and the like but the real answer is within us. The answer begins with you. The question is, do you want it, and if so, how bad? 

My ambition for this year it is to help as many people as I can, that want it! I won't say it won't come with a price, but not one that will cost you your life. Well, it might in the long run if you don't become proactive about it while you still can. So many ailments can be resolved with proper nutrition. But, so many people want a quick fix pill. Can't happen. Won't happen. Think about how long it has taken you to become sick, over weight, etc. It can't be reversed because you eat a salad once a week. 

My new goal for the year is not only to help where I can with my husbands business, but to help all the people around me that are complaining, and simply sick and tired of being sick and tired. I hope to be a voice of encouragement in this abyss of never ending words, that we find on Facebook, Instagram and so on. To use these social places as sounding boards for positive things. I hope you will all embark on this lifestyle journey with me, as I too need encouraging from time to time! Let me know your concerns, if you have questions about this or that, ask me! I am here to help. Plus, I have Stockton's best as my partner, Matthew Lazaro, certified, bonafide nutritionist that just so happens to run the Max Muscle here in town. Who better to have on your side then Team Lazaro right! 

Happy New Year my lovies!! Here's to 2013!

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